Having been in this business of "media" for 35 years now, I learned early-on that getting ripped-off by publishers, producers and others in the executive suite is to be expected and to constantly be on-guard against. So when we contacted CURRENT TV, the new, youthful, hip cable TV network and website featuring videos supplied by viewers, we hoped that maybe the experience with CURRENT would be "different" and, at the least, positive. Well, just because Al Gore is a major investor and on the Board of Directors, CURRENT doesn't appear to any different when it comes to doing business.
You may or may not have CURRENT TV in your area. The odds are you don't, but the cable network has high hopes. And an impressive Board of Directors.
CURRENT TV is an acquired taste. For instance, I just watched a viewer-created video about cars hitting bicycles, a segment virulently, stridently anti-automobile and anti-driver, for the umpteenth time ... It's no secret that Current has a liberal agenda, which is fine with me ... So do I! Our experience so far with Current has definitely been "Don't do as we do ... Do as we say ...".
The amount they owe us is small, under $1,000, for work we did at their request at the recent Los Angeles Auto Show. Now, literally days after the show, because some deal between Yahoo and Current fell through, Current apparently feels they don't owe anyone they contracted with any of the monies promised stemming from that deal. Typical --- Current TV evidently has no respect for the artists who keep their pipelines full of content. Maybe Current TV is just another example of good intentions gone bad, once the accountants and lawyers got hired.
We'll keep all of you up-to-date on our experience with CURRENT TV --- And whether or not they pay their bills, or, if like the "liberal" Air America radio network, they financially implode in a short period of time ... And owing a lot of people a lot of money.
We'll there's a few of us out there who have had bad experiences with Current TV. So if you ever get the chance to wrap it up... we'd like to know the outcome.
Posted by: John | October 11, 2007 at 09:33 PM
Get paid? OF COURSE NOT!
They wanted me to sign a 16 page contract which said I wouldn’t say anything bad about them online or elsewhere … Literally have not had time to post what finally happened, but your e-mail is pushing me in that direction.
Posted by: Steve Parker | July 24, 2007 at 10:57 PM
Did you ever get paid? What happened? I'd like to know... they owe me money as well.
Posted by: John | July 24, 2007 at 12:47 PM