AUTOBLOG (via Reuters) REPORTS: Financial Times is reporting that BMW has agreed to sell the Rover name to Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC), new owner of the design rights to many of the vehicles owned by MG Rover before the company was sold to SAIC. FT reports the German automaker will complete a deal with SAIC in September in which BMW will hand over the rights to the Rover name for about $1.9 million. BMW, however, responded to the report today, indicating that talks are still in progress and no deals have been struck.
Nanjing Auto, the Chinese automotive company who bought MG Rover from BMW, was also talking to BMW about the Rover name. Ford Motor Company reportedly has right of first refusal to the Rover name, but is not expected to buy it.
Here are some other names SAIC might want to consider purchasing: Edsel, Henry J. Kaiser, Willys-Overland, Graham-Paige, Kaiser-Fraser, Tucker, DeLorean, Bricklin (never say die, though!), Dale and, possibly sometime soon, Shelby.