A California State Senate bill (SB1613) would ban the use of hand-held cell phones while driving. Similar laws have been passed in NY, NJ, CT and Washington, DC. The New York law, passed in 2001, has been very difficult to enforce and while cell phone use lowered for a time, NY State Troopers now say hand-held cell phone use is, in 2006, close to what it was before the law was enacted. What to do, what to do? Steve Parker says: Enforce the many existing 'distracted driving' laws nationwide and provide DRIVER EDUCATION. "Today, anyone who can find their local DMV office wins a driver's license," says Parker. "We need to move to a European or Japanese model which demands strict instruction and constant updating and testing, which builds PRIDE IN DRIVING."
Click here to listen to Steve Parker on Patt Morrison's show on 89.3 KPCC talking about this crucial driving issue of whether or not hand-held cell phones ought to be banned from use while driving. Photo is of Patt "The Hatt" Morrison, not STeve...
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