Car Nut TV Begins its Fifth Season in January on Time Warner Cable Television on the new channel Desert Cities TV DCTV-111. Car Nut TV will also continue to be available "On Demand" on the new Channel 110.
For more information on Car Nut TV, follow the links below.
Read the Time Warner Cable TV-111 Release dated December 19, 2007, regarding Time Warner Cable's move of Local Channel TV-10 programming to the new Desert Cities TV-111, including the announcement of Clippers programming coming to Desert Cities TV-111. More information from Desert Cities TV regarding local programming available on DCTV-111
If you have a topic, idea, programming suggestion, would like your organization or business featured on Car Nut TV, etc, please contact Car Nut TV online now.
For Car Nut TV Advertising information, please download our 2008 Media Kit and contact Mrs. Carey Parker [email protected] at 760 771-8108 for more information today. Click here for more specific information on local television advertising with Car Nut TV today.